Faith Living Recovery Home (FLRH) has been serving this community since 2011 as a non- profit 501c3 status.  Among other legalities, it basically means that we have been recognized as a charitable organization compliant to all rules of State and Federal law.  Any donation or sponsorship you make will be referenced on a receipt that you can submit with your taxes.

If you’d like more information on the 501C, please visit this link here. We are one of the few 12 step recovery homes in this area that accepts mothers with children.   Please feel free to call and make an appointment to see the facility.  We are proud to be in service.

The two most common ways to help us.

Donate any amount you’d like. We would be grateful for even the smallest of donations.

The funds help to offset the overhead of running the facilities. There are always special needs, the most common being transportation, yard maintenance, prescriptions to be filled, diapers, laundry detergent, toilet paper and cleaning supplies.

We can use donations to help celebrate individual children’s’ birthdays.

Sponsorships are another way of helping out the families.  The cost of living at FLRH is $640 a month.  We’ve made it simple for people to sponsor a family for one month or more.  The choice is always yours.  We welcome anyone and everyone to come to our facilities and see for yourselves the families it’s helped and how the donations are being allocated.


Monthly Sponsorship